What We Believe at Open Door Community Church
We wanted to give you a brief overview of our core tenets. If you want more details please ask Pastor Isaac or one of our board members for a copy of our church handbook.
The Bible
We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men supernaturally inspired by the Holy Spirit of God free from error and contradiction. In this belief we affirm that we accept all biblical accounts to be true and reliable
The Fall of Mankind
We believe that man was created in innocence but fell through voluntary rebellion. All human beings share in that rebellion, though ultimately by individual choice.
The Atonement
We believe that Jesus Christ the Son of God, took on the likeness of human flesh, subject to all human temptation and yet did not sin. He was therefore able to accept the penalty for sin as a substitute for all who choose to accept it as a gift.
The Resurrection
Quite simply we believe that the resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is an undeniable historical event with enormous ramifications for all mankind
It is the key belief on which all of Christianity rests.
Without the resurrection Christianity is a worthless waste of time.